
Showing posts from August, 2023

July Crafty Goodness

These shirts have been around for a while but this is the first time the 3 generation Adventure Buddies wore their shirts. This is a summer cardigan using Mandala yarn.  It is the Willow Cardigan by For the Frills.  It doesn't look all that great on the hanger but I wore it to church last Sunday and got lots of compliments so it must look ok being worn.  These next two are adding to the stash of Christmas gifts for the grandsons. The is another summer T.  It is made with LB Jeans : indigo.  The challenge was floating around YouTube to make a granny "something" besides a blanket.  I already made a hexi-granny cardigan.  This was my answer to that challenge.  The pattern is by Maria Valles and is called Amma- granny square top. These next few items are things that I made for decorations for DGS#5 baby shower.  They were really fun to make and I was glad I had my printer and Cricut! Then finally I made this adorable sweater ensemble for DGS#5.  The sweater/pants/ and hat wer